How to Use Photography in Graphic Design

Photography is often overlooked by designers in graphic design, but it plays an important role in their designs. While you could use a stock photo you found online, there’s more to the relationship between graphic design and photography. Good photos can help you create a better design and get your message across clearly. However, if you are new to the photographic arts and want to up your game, read on!

The relationship between graphic design and photography

As a graphic designer, you will often need photos for your designs, and in most cases these come from stock photo sites. However, if your needs are more specific, or if you are working on marketing material for a product, for example, you may be working with a photographer. Regardless of this, you as a graphic designer need to make sure you have the right photos for your design. Photography in graphic design can make or break design and have a huge impact on the perception and effectiveness of your design. It draws attention and conveys some idea, emotion or message to the viewer.

Use of archival material

Finding footage can be a quick and easy solution in the blink of an eye, and free sites that offer stock photos make it easy. Sites like Unsplash, Pixabay, Freepix, and others bring you great photos in various genres, making it easy to find what you need. However, while using these sites, be sure to check the “license” or permissions so you know how you can use the photo. Some photos may be free for personal use, while others are also free for commercial work. Sometimes you may need to give credit to use the photos, while other times you don’t. However, it is considered respectful and ethical to credit the photographer whenever possible.

Taking your own photos

If you’re looking to use photography in graphic design but are new to the photographic arts, here’s a basic guide to get you started! Although photography is a skill that you constantly develop with lots of practice, these tips will help you take better photos. Graphic design and photography go hand in hand, and it’s important to keep the end goal in mind when you set out to shoot.

Learn the basics:

If you’re a complete newbie to photography, don’t worry! After all, we all start somewhere and what matters is that you are taking your first steps. Find online resources and YouTube tutorials that can help you understand the basics of using a camera. You want to understand the basic functions and rules that apply to photography to get started.

Plan your session:

Planning is perhaps the most important step in any photo shoot. You may find yourself in a situation where you have a very tight time frame to get the perfect shot. This may be because you have limited time on your set, need specific weather or lighting, etc. To make sure you can use your time on set efficiently and get the perfect shot for wedding stationery, plan ahead. Have a clear plan and visualize what shots you want to achieve.

Get the right aesthetic:

As a graphic designer, you know the feeling when you add an element to your design and it just doesn’t belong. You don’t want this to happen to your photo, which is why the previous point is so important. Make sure the photos you’re aiming for will fit well into the design and match the entire aesthetic of your design or brand! You probably understand color theory and things like this apply to graphic design as well as photography.

Remember the purpose:

Graphic design photography can serve many purposes and it is important that you keep in mind the purpose of your photos. Photos can be used to tell a story and can be incorporated to convey a relationship between a desirable quality of experience and a brand. They can also be used to elicit emotion in the form of dazzling, impactful, or pleasing images that can enhance your design.

Put all this together and you should be on your journey into the world of photographic arts! Remember not to overthink this and know that it takes practice to get better at using photography in graphic design. Photography and graphic design or logo design require patience to master, and together they will allow you to create great designs.

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